A dress of pure elegance. Made with Italian Silk. Feeling beautiful in such a timeless piece. Click below for a link to check out Italian designer pieces by Zilea.
The Power of Love
As most of you know, we live in a new aged ‘technological’ world of collaborations. Sometimes it can be a great creative outlet, and then theres the times where you feel like you’re being used as a money making machine. Well, this time around I got together with a few ladies and we took off to the Ace Hotel to get ready. Then off we set to the desert! I told the girls on the drive into Joshua Tree “This is a place you either find yourself or lose yourself.” You get an eerie feeling there. Like you're on pause and everything around is passing you by in a fast forward motion. Time stops for no one. Anyway, working with these creatives on that drive out gave us a little more time to chat, we all learned a lot about each other. Naturally social media was a topic of interest. We reassured each other were all human, with real experiences and real human feelings. I say this because nothing is what it used to be or what it appears to be anymore. You don't meet people as easily and they definitely aren't as open as they used to be. When you think you “know” someone via their Instagram page you quickly realize you really don’t, until you personally converse with them. I'm still learning things about my best friends daily. I feel like it is important to stress to whoever is reading or even cares that you cannot compare yourself to another human being. You are you. And that’s why you are so dang unique. Now these girls I met were honestly some of the sweetest girls I've had the pleasure of working with. I appreciated every moment in that car ride out. Even the dead silent ones where a dirt plain was all you could gaze off too, and static noise pulsating off the hot sun beaten windshield was all you could hear. Being a girl who has moved from place to place and from one school to the next countless amounts of times, I know how it is to feel like someone who doesn't belong. I remember to this day the girls (and boys) who treated me like I was inconsequential, or made fun of me for listening to music that they now pretend to like. Or for wearing leather jackets and converse and being asked if I thought I was “hard core”. Just for being different in general. Even since elementary school I’ve always listened to old school music, Disney channel just wasn’t for me. It’s hard fitting in with Orange County kids coming in as an outsider. I often found myself in a rabbit hole of questions, about myself and other people. What so many people don't understand is that any small thing you say can shake someones world. I regret no part of who I am and what I've been through. Then college came along temporarily and as I grew older, and got to work with great people I learned more about what it meant to be individual, and how it is a prodigious thing to be. I get to express that by being myself and wearing what I want to wear, saying what I want to say and damn it feels good not to be confined to anything. It is so refreshing to meet other people with original thoughts and kind hearts. I've shared this before but again I say, INVEST in your relationships. Don't focus on other peoples facades. Keep an open mind. Try new things and work hard at your goals even if you're feeling discouraged. Focus on bettering yourself just knowing that you could improve the lives around you. Even if its something small you happened to utter out of your mouth, no matter what you do you're leaving an imprint on the world and other beings. Never be afraid to express yourself and fully be who you are. (Even if it takes some reminding to yourself, thats okay.)
Recognizing today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and how he exercised the power of love and all that it can do, I share this quote by him.
"Nothing in this world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity”
Think about it.
Photography: Gabriellacullynephotography
Hair & Make-up: LillyPollanmakeup
Wearing Flynn Skye currently at www.ShopRoyalie.com
Sweet as Cherries
So I had the opportunity to collab with an amazing local brand called Dazey LA. Not only do I absolutely adore everything on the site, I love what they stand for. Empowering women and adding their own modern look to a 70s style vibe. Click below to shop.
“You ever wonder why we keep it so cold in here? It’s so the ladies can wear their furs. Thats our job Ray Ray.”
I just started watching a netflix series called Magic City with friends once a week, as quoted above, I’ve gotten very inspired. It is so easy for me to get inspired by a tv show, or places I’ve been. The show is based in 1959 a time where women paid attention to detail. Clothing was still quite ladylike. Being tailored (fit & flared) was a huge part of early 60s fashion. I’ve always had a love for all things vintage. I’ve lived in Europe the last 3 months and I’ve seen so much culture, and walked on so much history. You see pieces of clothing get passed down from generation to generation. Women are not afraid to be bold. The quality of clothing makes up for having quantities of fabrics you won’t end up taking care of. I’m wearing a vintage clutch passed down to me from my aunt, which is a staple for so many of my outfits. You can find things like this at local antique and flea markets. The silk skirt and top are Ralph Lauren, also handed down to me by my mother. The days and nights you know she lived in this outfit is what gets me so excited to wear it. The coffee and conversations had whilst wearing these pieces, knowing it has made its mark in so many other places is what I love about vintage clothing. It is timeless and you can be damn sure it is authentic. Isn’t that all you can ask of life anyways? Authentic people, conversations, and clothes. Now my fur, is faux, because of course, I do still believe in loving animals and all living things in our eco system. I can wear this coat guilt free, knowing it is made by an amazing local brand, Amuse Society. This brand is currently a top favorite, they make effortless good quality clothing at affordable prices. My shoes, well those were a modern steal. I got them in the sale section of Steve Madden, when it comes to shopping I am always interested in a good thrifty find. I love these pieces so much, because they are versatile. Not only can you dress up this outfit like I did, this coat can be worn with boots and your best pair of faded jeans. As for the silk, it can be worn with flats and even a chunky sweater. There are endless ways to wear pieces like this and that is what I love so much about style. Mixing neutral tones like these is second nature to me because I'm constantly looking to mother earth for inspiration. Be inspired, be yourself, keep an open mind and that light will shine on through for generations to come. Your daughters and granddaughters will be rocking that outfit in confidence knowing you did too.
Carly XX
Off the grid
The first week of summer is officially over and it has been an amazing kick off for an epic next couple of months. Moods heightened because I get to wear these amazing clothes currently at Luna B. They carry the raddest clothing. My wrap top is made by Morris Day, an Australian label. The skirt is by Amuse Society, one of my all time favorites for a beautiful well-made beach vibe look. All available in store or online at shoplunab.com click on the photos below to get the look.
The birds and the bees
“Any fool can make a rule. And any fool will mind it.” Thoreau
Lately I’ve had this don’t give a sh*t attitude. It is amazing being able to express yourself and not care what anyone thinks or let peoples thoughts or words get in the way of your happiness. Stay Weird. Let those creative juices flow, don’t conform to society or what you think people will accept.
Todays look is what some may say masculine, with a mix of feminine. My favorite thing to wear is cropped pants. Add some earrings and lipstick and there’s my ideal outfit.
Top made by OMgirl. There is a tiny OM symbol embellished on the back center of this tank that makes it so unique to me. Sunglasses are deadstock, I found them rummaging through the rose bowl flea market, a highly suggested place to go for one of a kind pieces.
Get these incredibly rad Matisse boots at shoplunab.com
Hypnotic Nature
Getting lost in the rustic underground canyon.
Jacket: Free People Top: Zara TRF Bottom: Signature 8 Denim
Good Vibrations
How to wear Overalls: Very chic, and very effortless at the same time. Depending on your style or what you're feeling like going for you can wear tennis shoes, flip flops or boots with them and they'll always pull together. Overalls are easily my favorite thing to wear. Throw on a plain or a graphic tee with some adidas, or a fancier top (like mine) and some boots. They will never be boring. Now white overalls are a little trickier, but I pretty much wear whatever I want with them and usually end up looking normal (haha, at least I like to think so). I hope everyone had a beautiful Sunday like I did down in San Clemente! Xoxo Carly
Deeper Thoughts
Two Piece set Available online & in stores at Shop Luna B
I’ve been paying attention to detail. Collecting energy from every little thing I can see and touch. When I start to feel down upon myself I look around me, I see flowers, speaking in languages, and fluttering butterflies living their lives with no sense of time or direction. I feel the universe speaking to me in vibrations. I just want to be. I want to live my life without a plan, is that so bad? In todays society it seems as if it is. I have dreams and ideas and aspirations bigger than myself and I intend to follow them. I work toward them every single day I do, but if all life is is about a plan, or a better future then where is the here, where is the now or the moments of bursting happiness, when all you do is radiate blissful nothings. Not paying attention to the time, like that feeling you get when you’re floating in the ocean slowly letting the waves move your body up, and down, like a feather falling from your window pane. Its those feelings that remind me I am alive. I dream of a life of travel surrounded by nature, music, and lovely strangers in lovely places. I am more than a plan. I want to meet people who dream of a bigger life for themselves too. Who love in colors and they follow that path each day by doing little things that have bigger purposes. Writing a poem, and then reading it to someone they love. Or keeping those eyelids open to read one last page from your book no matter how tired you are or how early you have to wake up. Loving yourself and those in your life without purpose or hopes of something in return. I have this strange feeling inside of me, in the pit of my chest, telling me everyday that there is more out there to see and experience and there are more people to not only teach unknowingly but to learn from, every damn day. So lets just for one second, forget about that very important “plan” and make MOMENTS turned into memories turned into a life unforgettable.
Xx Carly
Shop Post Below
After Hours
Hello Loves. Its 85 degrees here in Southern California, and I am not complaining. This weather is gorgeous. I am blessed to enjoy this in mid February.
Shoes: Free People Verrico Boots
Denim: Zara (I cut the bottom of the jeans to make them cropped)
Shop Similar styles here
Somedays Lovin
Happy Valentines Day lovers & friends!!
"Like wildflowers; You must allow yourself to grow in all the places people thought you never would."
Dress by: Somedays Lovin' shop post below.
Color The Outside
This is my official first post of the new year! I'm so excited to be able to express myself in ways I haven't done so before. This year for me is all about being bold, listening to my music on full blast, making moves, and coloring outside the lines! Do what makes you the happiest, and don't look back. As far as the outfit goes; these slacks are awesome, I could LIVE in them. I threw on a top I got from zara and accessorized with this double buck belt which happens to be my favorite item in my closet. Let the good times roll! Happy New Year Y'all !! Xx Carly
Blue Jean
I woke up with this liberating feeling of happiness. I went with it. Its rare for me to act upon my feelings, I don't know why, I just hold them in. I can blame it on life experiences, constant changes, or people, but when it comes down to it I am in charge of my own happiness. That begins with a positive mindset. If I could tell my younger self one thing it would be that you can be the utmost beautiful person inside and out to every person you meet in life, but it all starts with you yourself, and if you don't see that, then who cares what anyone else can see. I express myself through my clothes, I can be bold in so many expressive ways when it comes to my style. Fashion is the outlet in my life, and if I can inspire other people in doing what I love then thats just what i'll do. But let us just remember, the clothes and material items are not what matter most, the self expression and individuality is what we need to remind ourselves is important. Xx Carly
Top: Billabong Women Skirt: Ralph Lauren Sunnies: Guess Necklace choker: Child of wild
Heat of the Desert
Days spent in the hot hot heat of Joshua Tree are the best days. Frolicking around the Mojave desert, throughout the Yucca trees and the huge granite boulders. Nothing but acres of sand, dust, and making magic. Sunsets made of painted rose pink and purple sky. The striped blouse is Ralph Lauren, and ever so lovely denim skirt is Zara. It is such a staple piece for every girls wardrobe! Navy Pilgrim dress is by Zara, paired with a lovely leather brown belt for shape.